Via I-M (23)
Kmartluvr: So anyways i put some burn relief medicine on that painful wound you just caused lol..but seriously when is all this going down?
Clueddude: I have no idea. I’ll Ask Ava right now.
Kmartluvr: Okay but hurry up cause my mom is being really annoying and wants me off the computer to eat dinner.
A minute or two later
Clueddude: Okay she said yeah…not that there was any doubt about that but whatever..Let’s get down to business, this is gonna cost you big!
Kmartluvr: Dude, shut up seriously! So when is this happening?
Clueddude: Its all going down tomorrow…is that okay wid you?
Kmartluvr: i gotta look up some recipe stuff.
Clueddude:yeah yeah whatever you can go eat now..
Kmartluvr: Oh wow i almost forgot..later!
Clueddude:later dude.