Popcorn Fight!
As we get to the hotel room Faith calls the bed next to the window, I don’t really care (personally I don’t like the beds near the windows) so I take the other without complaint. All we do is hang out in the hotel room for the rest of the day.
That night I ordered ‘Finding Nemo’ from the hotel and we sit down to watch it.
“How you feeling Faith?”I ask as we are watching the movie.
She smiles, “Better. Much better. This is fun.”
She looks away, I can tell she’s thinking about things. Not good, I think. So I take a piece of popcorn and throw it at her. We engage in a popcorn fight in which I win and as a prize I get a kiss, which lasted for at least 3 minutes.
That morning I woke up and (secretly) stared at Faith until she too woke up.She was so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep that I couldn’t look away.
During breakfast Faith asked me, “So, what are we doing today?”
“I thought we might learn how to surf. The waves here aren’t legendary but still ride able.” I answer, she smiles.