
Just A Little Confusing

It was Thursday morning. I walked over to Cynthia, she was putting some reading books on some of the shelves.
Me (Leaning down to kiss her cheek): You would not believe how hard it is to get a locker number out of school counselor these days.
I frowned as she shied away from my attempted kiss.
Her (quietly): Well, I get all my textbooks today so you’ll see me at it more often now.
Me: Cynthia, is everything, um, ok?
Her: My dad’s fine. He’s recovering quite well.
I scowled. Me:That wasn’t my question.
She stared at her locker, looking at anything to avoid my gaze. Taking a deep breath, she spoke again. Her: I’m fine.
She definitely was not fine. I couldn’t understand why she was acting this way. Me: If anything’s wrong, you know you can talk to me about it, right?
She looked at me oddly. Her (skeptically):Can I?
Now I was getting a little pissed. Me:Of course you can. Why on earth would you think anything different?
She frowned, looking unsure. Her: I’ve only known you one day, Drew.

Aha, I see.

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