This is in no way meant to be insulting to uselessness! I am just having fun with his pen name and alluding to his current series (which I’m a big fan of).
Very witty last line. I enjoyed the journey from useless to useful. I have a feeling you hit the nail on the head at least when it comes to uselessness really being a double agent, lol. Great read, thankyou for entering, taking a risk and delving into the made up details of the one we know as uselessness.
A wonderful example of the far-fetched option Tad opened up in his challenge. I like the characterization and eventual victory to being useful. Inspirational, even. LoA
Haha, apart from the double agent part, your picture of me is uncanny. I’ve gotten rather used to hearing my girlfriend ask “is everything okay?” just because I am so dang quiet all the time. For the record, the name is a throwback to the first web site I ever built, way back in 1995. I couldn’t think of a theme or purpose for the site, so I devoted it to uselessness and filled it with silly stories and jokes and games. My self-esteem’s not really that low, honest! LoA
♠Ana Cristina♥
flute faerie
♠Ana Cristina♥
Tad Winslow
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥