
She's So Thoroughly, Utterly, Completely Not Into You

“WHAT are you doing in here?” she spat.

Marley had anticipated shock, but Alex seemed genuinely angry. Maybe the disease was beginning to manifest itself.

“I have to help,” he replied nobly. “I’m trained for this, and the risk to me is unimportant. Besides, you’re in here helping too, and that’s where I want to be.”

Her expression was an odd mix of wonder and pity. Marley had figured on something a bit more sentimental when he showed up inside the clinic. Instead she seemed to be searching for the best way to tell him something, like their first break-up in med school.

“Babe -” she paused, regaining her composure – “first of all, thank you for the gesture, but we’ve been separated for months! There’s a reason I haven’t called. What made you think this was a good idea?”

He was indignant. “You say I never make any effort! Well I’d call this one hell of an effort. And I don’t care about being infected!”

Now her look was all pity. “There is no outbreak, dear. This isn’t really a clinic, either.”

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