Aww….thanks! THX is definitely one of the most prominent authors on this site, mostly because of his ability to not let a read story go uncommented – and, of course, his great writing.
I saw the first sentence of this one and just had to read the rest. The things I missed out on by going to public school where I learned the best defense is a good offense. And I now warrant a “the”? Oh, I am beyond flattered. Blushing and feeling all gushy inside over here. Somebody get me a tissue!
You also learn other important things like lacrosse and how fish and bread like to multiply themselves at the drop of a hat. You only learn later that the Bible isn’t quite historically accurate, but that’s irrevelant. . Very good way to open any story. I also liked the things you had to say.
Laine the Grey
THX 0477
flute faerie
Alexa ♥