
Helena: PlayRadioPlay!

The chocolate was good and almost reminded me of this one kid named Freddy.

His blood was so sweet I remember almost getting a sugar high.

My wicked smile was not as innocent as he probably thought.

I had completely forgotten his roomate, the good dancer. I had completely forgotten the monster inside of me and the lack of one inside of him. All I could detect through his scent was the regular beast of man.

He kept his distance though.

For the rest of the night and on into the morning, he never pulled a move, dared to get any closer.

Silly me, I practically begged him all inside my head. But aloud, I didn’t say a word, just nodded my head along with his delicious dark music and nibbled the candy bars, wishing it was his sweet tooth I could be tasting.

I was almost asleep, curled in a ball on his bed that smelled of grapes, when in the dim and glow of his ciggerate the techno of PlayRadioPlay! began.

At that point, I pulled him up and we danced. Not dirty, but loud and silly.

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