Dark, horrible take on the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure Series’. I don’t remember this one, and I read a lot of them. As is, makes for kind of a funny spoof/parody thing. LoA
I just started reading through the different “pages.” Yikes! It’s so gritty and realistic, I feel like I’m watching it unfold before my eyes – well, except for the part where your “hero” says “Like the movie?” I can’t imagine anyone would say that! Then again… LoA
Yeah, I only added that (like the movie?) to make myself laugh. I used to love Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid. This is my dark and horrible (thanks THX ) attempt of ‘bringing it back’.
What a coincidence, I was just about to start a CYOA series of my own! Nicely done. Maybe I’ll contribute to yours. We should come up with a format for encouraging branching storylines on Ficlets. Reminds me of a web site I discovered twelve years ago that is surprisingly still online today: http://coder.com/creations/tale/stacks.html LoA
Good idea only having 2 choices after each one. If I could change anything about the one I started it would be that. The 3 choices meant it just became this big sprawling monster of a series that I couldn’t keep track of and occasionally got lost in.
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥
Russell Ruffino