
From Your Addict [[The Apology Challenge]]

This is just to say I’m sorry
I was just supposed to be once, but before I knew it, it had taken over my life.
And I brought you into it too.
I…I tried to stop it. I only did it once with some friends, but before long I was a fiend. Stealing your money to get ahold of a temporary high. At the time I thought I loved the stuff more than you.
I was so wrong.
Then I tryed to stop. And it led to cutting myself. I almost died and went to the hospital. They pumped my stomach because I had overdosed and slit my wrists when I was high. I hurt myslef and hurt you.
I’m sorry.
You left me for a clean-cut college football player. You’ve known him since highschool and I hear he’s a decent guy.
I’ve stopped and I missed you. I went to rehab. I stayed out of trouble. I was baptised, joined a church. I’m clean. Half a year today.
I’m sorry we ended like we did. I still love you. I always have. Always will, even if you don’t want me back.
This is just to say I’m sorry. I will love you forever and for always.

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