Talk about Testosterone
I grabbed my car keys and left, slamming the door behind me.
I knew that was immature behavior on my part, and that it was what she expected, what she wanted. But I didn’t care. I was beyond caring.
In the parking lot I fumed all the way to my car, almost bumping into a group of really cute girls. I was too angry to really notice them or even stop when one of them giggled and said, “Wow, talk about testosterone!” They were probably freshman, “fresh meat,” as Tom jokingly called them. Fresh for the taking. But I was too wrapped up in my own concerns to take advantage of the opportunity.
I couldn’t tell whom I was madder at, Jodi or Tom. Decided it didn’t matter. They were both on my shit list as of right now. I knew that Tom would probably try to defend his actions later as just being part of the “ruse,” but I would not forgive him this. At least, not easily.
As I turned the corner where my car was parked, I saw him. He was sitting on the hood, probably leaving a dent.
“Hey, nancy-boy, why so glum?”