
Love (And Hate) In An Elevator

“I hate you.”

“Finally, honesty, and all it took was three hours stuck in an elevator. Bravo, Jenkins.”

“No reason left to hide behide civility.”

“Fair enough. As long as we’re being honest, which me do you hate, the real me or the corporate mask?”

“Does it really matter?”

“What, you’re answering with questions now?”

“We have been stuck in here a while, Goldstein.”

“That was low, even for you. But my point, you hardly know the real me, so why should I fret that you don’t like my mask?”

“Hmm, you raise an interesting point. Leave it to you to logic your way out of being hated.”

“We all have our talents.”

“Still, what’s the difference? Whether you call it a mask or not, you chose it. You made it. You maintain it.”

“I don’t see your point.”

“You wouldn’t want to. I suppose none of us do.”

“Now you’re being vague.”

“How’s this? We are our choices. If you choose a mask, you’re choosing your self. You are the mask.”

“Hmm. Great, now I don’t like me either.”

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