I like that line, _“If you choose a mask, you’re choosing your self. You are the mask.” It’s a tiny nugget of wisdom hidden in a funny little story about two men stuck in an elevator (and blech, who likes getting stuck in elevators, especially when the company is less than enthralling). LoA
Great dialogue between the characters. I like the evasiveness and redirecting of questions. Like Ana Cristina, I thought if you choose a mask, you’re choosing your self. You are the mask. was a brilliant line. Thing is I don’t think half the people out there even know which mask is real.
I like how the ficlet is just in dialogue! It made it so interesting. At first I thought the person was had like split personalities, and was talking to himself. laughsTHAT would be funny, though. LOVED IT !!
♠Ana Cristina♥