AA Take 2
Day 2. AA Meeting take 2. Hello my friends of AA, I have a confession. Last night I drank. I decided AA was pointless because, well frankly drinking is not necessarily a problem for most, but today I realize that drinking is a problem for me. Look, there I go! Go me! I’m reaching new goals admitting I have a problem and confessing my mistake. Fruity drinks, they are just irresistible. Last night I had lime flavored and boy was it just delicious. Tonight I’m thinking watermelon vodka with sprite. It really just tastes like a jolly rancher. Oh my god, did I just say that? Freudian slip I suppose. What I really meant was that is what I am CRAVING that delightful drink tonight, but I promise, no trips to the liquor store, even if it IS on the way home…