
I'm Sorry for You

You’ll never notice me no matter what I do.
I’ll talk as loud as I can and make myself look a little extra prettier but you never notice.
I’m not a show off but I’m not modest but I want you to see you and me are meant to be.
Every girl gets noticed except little old me. I’m not sorry for myself but I’m sorry for you. Your missing out on a great girl, who I believe, can do anything. Your missing out on someone you’ll love but she’ll be your best friend in the whole wide world! Someone you can laugh with and someone you can cry with. Someone who will be there for you no matter what. Someone who might not reach as far as your expectations soar, but, might just get far enough to make the cut. Someone you can look up to even though she’s shorter than you by just a small inch. Someone who is the perfect role model, but, is making mistakes all the time. That someone is me. Just me, but you never notice me at all. But, I’m not feeling sorry for myself. But, I’m totally sorry for what you are missing, sorry boy…

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