
Just A Little Clingy

Me (growling): No. Put me down.
He eyed me curiously. Him: Ok.
He started to lower me down to the water. I squealed again, clinging to him tighter. Me (shrilly): Not here.
He didn’t move. He laughed. Him(accusingly): You are! You’re afraid of water!
Me (grumbling): Then why don’t you be nice and take me back to the shore.
He grinned down at me, looking immensely pleased with himself. Him: It’s only a few inches deep here.
I shuddered. He grinned. Him: You know, you’d think you’d be afraid of people. Not water.
Me: Oh, I’m scared of people alright. Right now I’m terrified of you. Specifically you dumping me into the water.
He rolled his eyes. Him: I’m not going to dunk you.
I relaxed, but only slightly.
He grinned mischievously. Him: I couldn’t anyway, maybe if I went deeper…
Me: No! Take me back!
He laughed. Him: That’s ok, I’m enjoying this.
Me: You enjoy me being terrified?
Him (frowning): No, I like you clinging onto me.
Me (grumbling): I could cling to you on shore just as easily.

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