
Sorting Things Out

Not recognizing any of the street signs, she decided to just keep going forward because nothing could make her turn back the way she came. Still wiping away the tears, she began to calm down and think more clearly. She looked in her pocket to make sure the $200 were still there that’d she’d saved up since Christmas. While walking again she tried to sort some things out in her head. “I’ll just keep walking until I find a hotel or something, then I’ll get up early and just keep moving, and in a few days I’ll need to find a job somewhere…”That’s what stopped her. She was only 15. She’d have to find a job that could help pay for where ever she’d stay at and a for bus rides everyday since she couldn’t drive alone, plus groceries. Not many jobs for 15 yr. olds supplied that kind of money. A look of panic struck her face, but she quickly pushed it away, determined not to worry and instead to just focus. After of walking she finally found a hotel that flashed a VACANCY sign. She sighed & walked to her new home.

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