
Ostentatious, Isn't It? ((Twilight Challenge))

She wiggled her fingers at me graciously. He had purposed to her…and the ring! It is probably the biggest engarment ring ever! That thing she called a diamond was a rock.

“Wow,” was all that came out of my mouth.

“A bit, I don’t konw, Ostentatious, isn’t it?” She said, looking at how big it was, “And it’s pretty heavy. But the man I love gave it to me and I’m happy.”

“That is the biggest ring I have ever seen.” I replied, “But I am very happy for you. You have always been a simply, sweet girl and you deserve so much, I think this man is great. Hansome, smart, caring, perfect for you.”

“He’s not perfect. He snores.” She said, still looking at the ring, when she looked up we laughed.

“Wonder how much it costed. He isn’t exactly rich,” I commented.

“Well, he isn’t anymore. But we will work that out later, I’m too happy right now.” We laughed again.

After we finished laughing we grabbed our stuff and went out for coffee, both of us smiling and lauhing

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