Tug of War
I clustered a cushion of air molecules underneath the pond and lifted at least a hundred gallons of water into the air. It sloshed and raged with the intensity of Mother Nature as it hurled towards Max. Inches before his hand, though, it stopped and curled itself into a ball, dropping back into the pond.
Max gave me an intense stare. He shook his head, as if disapproving.
I compressed the air around into a hard, blunt force and sent it whooshing towards Max. It took him by surprise and bowled him over. He immediately leaped back to his feet and raised his hands, blood streaming from his nose. A wave of energy rippled the air itself. I could see his attack coming right at me. I tried to block it back, but it pursued and sliced through me.
My breath was knocked from my lungs; I was suspended in the still, the slow, the regular, the fast, the Mach 5. My skull was pounding, reverberating, collapsing, exploding. I was dazed, unconscious, screaming in agony.
I didn’t know what I was. But it hurt.