
Final Goodbye

The young boy looked his father in the eye, as he began to speak. “I know I don’t have much time left.. I will be gone one day, but dad, I don’t want you to be sad. And tell mom not to miss me too much. I don’t want her to be crying all the time. Make sure she doesn’t cry herself to sleep. I want you to know that I love you both so much. I don’t want to die daddy.. but I can’t get better.. my body hurts and I want it to stop.” The little boy studies his fathers face. The father looks at his son with tears streaming down his face. “Son, your mother and I love you very much. We will miss you daily”

The little boy looks at his dad. “Please only remember the good times. They are what matters. .

“Promise me, dad that you and mom will find ways to be happy, that you will remember the good things in life”

The boy struggled to take a breath. He shuts his eyes for a moment. A sigh emits from his lungs. He makes another labored attempt. His eyes go still. The father leans over his son and weeps violently.

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