Little Boy
32,000 feet above Hiroshima, Japan
From inside the Enola Gay, 509th Composite Group commander Colonel Paul Tibbets took a last look at the city far below. He had qualms; there were innocents, people who didn’t deserve it. But he thought that if given the chance, Japan probably would’ve done this to them first. Besides, the Japs attacked first at Pearl Harbor.
“Safety removed?” Tibbet asked. He received a positive. “Releasing in ten…nine…eight…”
About an hour earlier, back in JGS , early warning radar detected American aircraft flying over Hiroshima. It was dismissed after seeing it was only three, and the air raid warning was lifted at 8:00. At 8:15, Little Boy was dropped.
“…One. Now let’s get the hell outta here.”
With a slight bang, the hatch flew open, ejecting the comical-looking weapon to the air down below. It’s metal casing held firm as the air rubbed against it; it’s tail fins kept it steady. It took fifty-seven seconds before it hit 1900 feet and detonated.