

I put Davincent behind me protectively, racking all the minds around. I felt one shy away from me. Bingo. I tried to clue into it, but it evaded my probing, now that it was conscious of my effort. I gave up, instead looking for someone who might be close… it was coming from the northwest… Aha. I could feel the fear. I entered the girl’s mind a second before it was destroyed. I saw her murderer for a split second. I groaned.
“Davin, send out the warning, there’s an Assassin in here. Avoid corridor 2A,” I added as an afterthought. He nodded, shooting away as fast as his Vampire legs could. I flexed hands, shrugging off my cape and shoes, flexing my feet expertly. Baring my teeth, I gave out a piercing yowl and hurled myself at the wall of the tunnel. The force of the blow sent me a good way through the earth, as I scrabbled viciously through the last layer of earth and tumbled into the room beyond, I gained brief access into the Assassin’s mind. Apparently I had created a mini earthquake.

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