
Me and JB 11

Nick just stood up for me, wow. I hoped it wasn’t just a second apology for the whole coffee incident. I stayed in the bathroom for a while, wondering what was going to happen. It must of been a half hour before I came out again. I opened the door to my sisters sitting on the couch.
“Hi,” I said quietly.
“What happened?” asked Michelle.
“Michelle! We already know! Can’t you tell?” said Lauren.
“Oh, yeah. You like Nick!” said Michelle.
“What? No way! We’re friends. Not even really friends! I mean….”.
“Section 124 B, a girl ALWAYS makes excuses when she is in love,” said Lauren.
“Where’d you hear that fake stuff?” I asked, even though I knew that kind of stuff was true. Lauren held up a teen magazine. Great.
“You are in love! Admit it!” said Michelle.
“Okay! Fine!”
“Say it!”
“No!” I hated arguing with my sisters.
“Say it or I’m yelling it out the window!!!” said Lauren,
“Go ahead!” said Michelle.

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