Back in 1971 I was 13 yrs. old. They put us on a bus. to go to Dr. Jerry Falwell’s church. We were going to see an exdrug dealer,gotten saved. His name was Freddie Gage,he told us how he used to make $500.00 aday selling drugs. Then he got saved and quit.
I was impressed on the $500.00 a day.When I was 16 I got started using thinking I could be like this man. I wanted to make $500.00 a day too.
Many years later,I found the real Jesus. He’s not at all like the money show me gain jesus I had always been told about by false prophets.
The real Jesus will becoming soon. But first the false one will appear saying he is Jesus,I’ve come to rapture you away.
Rapture is a false doctrine of the religious and political system.It keeps you ignorant of what GOD ’S WORD really says about endtime events. Why worry,you’ll fly away.
Tim Lahaye made Falwell a bundle off this false doctrine.
Church history,and scripture proves it untrue. READ GOD ’S WORD NOT LIARS BOOKS .