
Just A Little Camping

When Cynthia felt better, she helped me set up the tent, although honestly, I did most of the work. In her defense, she’s never been camping- a discovery I found shocking.
Me: Are you serious? You’ve never been camping? Ever?
She shook her head. Her: Never.
Me: Oh come on, not even as a little kid? I mean, what the heck do you do on vacation?
She chuckled. Her: Mostly, we stay in fancy hotels for extended lengths of time that we shouldn’t be able to afford, until Dad makes some friends, and then we stay in their houses as ‘honored guests.’ You’d be surprised how far a simple portrait will go.
I laughed, shaking my head. Me: That sucks.
Her: Are you kidding? Have you tasted European food? It’s incredible. France is probably my favorite. And five star hotels are nothing to scoff at.
I frowned. Me: But where’s the fun? I mean, what do you do? Go look around museums or something?
She blushed. Her: Sort of… but I’m not typically looking at the exhibits…
Oh. Well then.

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