
Last Days: The Corporation, Incorporated

“Commander Kopetzky is in charge of family affairs during advancement. Don’t worry about anything, Mr. Bennett. Your family will be in excellent care, though they may not recognize you when you return.” Bruno Kopetzky stood next to them. He raised his arm in the customary salute, his large mask a frozen green-chrome grin.

“Daddy,” my eight-year-old daughter shouted. She rushed to my side and pulled on my arm to bring my face closer. “I don’t want you to go! I don’t want you to look like them. Who are they? Where are they taking you?” Commander Kopetzky followed close behind.

“Carl,” my wife whispered. “What’s happening?”

“I think we’re just wrapping up here and you can take the shuttle back to the compound with me. Isn’t that right, Commander Aslög.”

“Ach, so emotional! Everything has an end, only the sausage has two.” She laughed like I had never seen her laugh before. My wife looked at me with pure panic in her eyes. “I’ll allow it. Vorwärts! But tomorrow a new life begins, Commander Bennett.”

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