
Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away

“Who are you? What do you mean I’m not safe?â€? Jen asked.

“Look, we only have a few moments. I promise that this will all make sense eventually, but right now we need to get you out of that house.â€?

The voice on the phone continued, “I’m a friend. You just have to trust me for the time being. Leave the house right now and get to the train station as quickly as you can. Please, I’ll explain later.â€?

“Why should I trust you? I don’t even know you. Did Jake put you up to this? Is this whole thing a prank?â€?

“Jessica, this is definitely not a prank. Your life is in danger if you do not leave right now.â€?

“Ok. I guess it’s better than sitting around here doing nothing. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.â€? Jess started to hang up the phone, “wait. What do I do when I get there? Am I supposed to meet someone, or what?â€? The line clicked dead. “Hello? Hello. Shit!â€? She slammed the phone shut and sighed.

Jess grabbed the postcard off the table, shoved it in her pocket and headed out the front door. I’m gonna regret this.

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