
Promise (Part 2)

It’s the next day and I am walking toward the shuttle until a few of my friends came by.
“Good luck out there dude!”
“Be sure to bring something back.”
I laughed and told them that I would bring something and waved to them good-bye as I left.

I was sitting on the seat of the new shuttle. I looked out the window and out to the sky. I started to feel excited and yet, kind of home sick already.

I’m going to miss everyone.

I didn’t know exactly when I was going to come back, but I know, it wasn’t going to be for a long time.

“Count down starting in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” the person on the speaker said.

I felt a huge jerk as the shuttle was starting to shake.
Here it goes I thought. This was my chance to finally accomplish my dreams. I had a tear going down my face as I remembered everyone and all the memories I had with each of them.
I looked out the window and we started to leave the atmosphere already. No turning back now.

Good-bye everyone…

I promise...
I will come back.

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