

Since nothing seems to be happening except for movement, I have nothing to do. So I think. This is so fucked up. This whole thing. I try to swear, but I can’t tell if I succeded or not. I can’t hear, or even feel. Damn…
I know that time has passed, probably alot of it. It seems like hours, but how can I know? I can’t even tell if I still have a wrist, let alone look at my watch! I know that there isn’t anything like this in my world. maybe I am dead. Maybe I’m in a coma. That makes sense. I’m in a coma, dreaming weird, messed up coma dreams. Suddenly the motion changes. It seems… farther away? Maybe? This is so anoying! I can’t tell anything! Do coma dreams do this? Do people even dream when they’re in comas?
The movement does seem to have changed, it seems to recede from me. Suddenly, I am aware of my body, and I think I can see something. But… what the hell?

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