
Me and JB 52

“Oh Dear God!” said Kevin. We were looking down at Joe who had passed out on the ground.
“Is he okay?” Kevin asked. I nodded. “Star Bucks,”.
“Makes sense, now!” I was watching Nick film a scene with Allison Stoner who played as one of his co-stars, when, Joe passed out five feet away from me. Then, Kevin had arrived and started to panic. Was he dead?
“Let him be,” I said. “He’ll wake up sooner or later!” Kevin laughed.
“Okay guys!” yelled the director as I sat down with Kevin.
“This is the big kissing scene,” he said. I felt a lump in my throat.
“Allison, Nick, look like you guys are in love! Make this look real!” Nick nodded and looked over at me. My mouth went dry.
“Is everything okay?” asked Kevin. “Please don’t pass out! Not you, too!” I smiled a weak smile as the director said “ACTION!”
Nick and Allison each took a step closer. I felt as if I was going to pass out, too. I wasn’t jealous but I was un-comfortable. I’ve had enough problems from Miley. Great. I was scared I was gong to lose him.

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