

FICLETS IS BEING INVADED (OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!) by people who write seqels and preqels that don’t have anything to do with the 1st story and ppl who only wrte in IM tlk.
See how annoying that is?
I miss the good old days ( about a month or two ago) when it was just a few people here, just stting at our key boards, typing away, writing some awesome stories, when everyone marked them MATURE when needed (thank you yodaoncrack for changing it ,by the way) , and when everyone was nice to each other.
I miss the good old days.
I guess that things change, and there’s nothing to do but get in the middle of it an write some stories that KICK BUTT !!!!
ATTACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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