
Knowing One Another

George leapt onto Ridda, crowing, “Leave her alone!” as she fell to the ground. He clambered to his feet, and Ridda rolled away on the grass. “Stay on your belly, serpent that you are!”

“George!” Eva ran into his welcoming arms, “Oh thank heavens!”

“Don’t listen to a word she says, Sioni, it’s all lies!”

“I thought you didn’t know her, Father.” Sioni took a step back from the scene, and Alfred took her hand. “You said that you didn’t.” He shook his head, at a loss for words. “You’ve lied, all of you, over and over.” She put her hands over her face and began to cry. Wherever her tears touched the ground, vines began to grow.

“No, Sioni, you must understand…” Eva began, but Ridda spoke over her.

“Sioni, your parents meant the best for you. They wronged many in their selfish endeavors, but they did it for you.” She stood, shaky, “However, your mother hurt many people in her life, Arelia most, but her husband’s sister as well, your aunt.” She turned to George, “You know this, don’t you, brother?”

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