uselessness's PRECISE MANEUVERS Challenge!
For those of us who aren’t down with acronyms, CCL means “Couldn’t Care Less,” and that’s probably how you’ll feel when I tell you it’s also Roman numerals for this, my 250th ficlet. (Yay!)
That’s right, it’s time for another challenge. Previously on the uselessness’s challenges show, we’ve seen some great shocking dialogues, desperate monologues, selfish allegories, and living descriptions. Today I’m looking for something new: precise maneuvers!
You know how the most frenetic, action-packed moments are also the ones where time seems to slow down a little? That’s what I’m looking for here. I want to see energy worthy of the climax of a Schwarzenegger/Stallone/James Bond movie, in 1,024 characters or less! Preferably told in slow motion, with attention to the smallest details of the action. Complicated acrobatics, amazing motor skills, that sort of thing.
Also, because I suck at judging challenges, there will be no winner. Just have fun. Sorry. :-P
Now get writing! We’re all on the edges of our seats!