

What the hell was that?

I heard my bedroom door close and I felt the cut. It hadn’t stopped bleeding.


An idea crept into my mind. I’m not sure what, but something drove me to put my street clothes on and follow her out.

I followed about ten yards or so behind her as she walked into a deserted subway. She started talking to this other guy, who gave me the same odd feeling I got when I was around Helena.

I got into the subway train about three seconds after they did, making sure they didn’t see my face.

For a while, they talked in hushed tones, I could barely make out what they were saying half the time.

All of the sudden, the guy sitting next to Helena looked up at me. He had messy black hair with white streaks in it, a face rough with facial hair, and brown eyes that seemed to see right through me.

“Looks like we have some company, Helena.” He said in a calm voice.

Fu-Not good.

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