This one evoked Andromeda images for me. This whole series has so far been very well written. And as Tad commented earlier, the dialog is getting better all the time. Keep ‘em coming! LoA
Well Pyro I didn’t think about it when wrote it but… yeah it does sort of have a Andromeda feel to it. Before my first Ficlet posted here, I’d never tried to write a story so this is a totally new experience for me. The ONLY reason that I have/am improving is thanks to everyone that has given me such priceless advice here. My most sincerest thanks to you all.
I’m really surprised that this is your first dabbling into writing fiction, Kev. The first few posts were rough, but you’ve really settled into a solid style that’s working for you, and like I’ve said, is pulling us in deeper and deeper. Keep up the great work!
John Perkins
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)