
Möbius Strip: Wake the Princess - Part 3

“Put us in orbit Ker” Eric said.

“Sure. Ava prepare the ship for take off.” He could feel every inch of On Vast Horizon within his mind. Just a thought now… Reactor Online.

“Main reactor to full power” Ava replied.


“All engines online. Hyperdrives spooling.”

Condition Red… Like that’s gonna help.

“Condition Red! Shields up full power. All weapons online. Never know, it might” Ava replied smiling. Klaxons sounded and the lighting dimmed ship wide. ‘Condition red’ flashed on every station and terminal on the bridge.

Standard Orbit.

“Course plotted, standard orbit. Releasing moorings. VTOL thrusters firing. We’re airborne and coming round, ship responding to helm.”

Bring us low over the city please.

Ker switched his senses to external view to take a long look at Ruku. Something told him he’d never see his home again.

As they cleared the outskirts of the city Ava issued “Main engine array: full thrust!” With that, the ship arced upwards gracefully and rose into the heavens.

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