

“Touching moment,” came the sarcastic reply, also from behind. Heather was shocked at the speed from which the grasp on her shoulders was gone. The instant in which she turned to see who, in fact, had been so quick catch her in a “moment” was all it took for him to cross the span of the wide parlor and grab the offender by the neck throttling him to the wall.

Heather stood knocking the stool back with a solid scrape across the floor, rousing more of the sleepers. “You,” she breathed angrilly. Travis had invited her to this party for what she thought was to make up for being such a jerk only to find out was to make an even bigger ass of himself. He was kicking randomly, face turning red and grasping at the hand that held him to the wall.

“Apologize to her,” He said. Heather stalked across the parlor, closing her fists, her fingers aching from the playing. “Yeah, right,” Travis wheezed. “I hoped you’d say that,” without hesitation, He sank aching canines into Travis’s carotid.

And all Hell broke loose.

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