Very exciting and so nice of John to explain it to Sailer Emo. Very quick and exciting. I hate to push conventions, being a big fan of out of the box and all that, but having it be a new paragraph when a different person speaks helps make it clearer who says what.
I see what you are saying, THX , especially since my “main man” is simply called He. Unfortunately, I am going to let my stubborness shine through on this one. ;/ I like to keep my interactions compacted into stubby paragraphs where I can, until the subject changes. I know that it can be hard to read (I debate with myself about it all the time ;) ) but I can’t even change my mind about it. :D
I was thinking of pointing out the same thing that THX did, but I figured that maybe you were running out of characters to make new paragraphs, or that it was a style choice.
Sailor Emo
John Perkins
THX 0477
John Perkins