
Möbius Strip: At Infinium

It appeared, like a ripple upon a lake. A perfect silver sphere, the form of that which was formless. The Seeker had returned to the Infinium.

To its surprise, the harmony of infinite white void shattered. Dispute raged throughout the Combine.

“This has gone on long enough. We should purge Universal instance 42-001-6572 now.”

“No! We do not fully understand this situa…”

Silence! The Seeker has returned. Report!”

Condition: non Hallite Combine entity confirmed, Emmon female in place Status: female active”

“Excellent! She has made the perfect Trojan Horse. The entity has not discovered the singularity bomb we implanted within her?”

Analysis: It does not seem to be aware of her true nature”

“Perfect. And Proxy?”

Location: Traleen ship Status: out of contact, anomaly increasing Action: continue as planned, contact entity”

“She MUST be triggered now!”


“It is in the hands of the Proxy. You have performed well Seeker.”

“I exist to serve The Combine!“

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