
Origins of the Defensive Side

To sum it all up, I’ve always been different. Once it was decided that it wasn’t a birth defect, I started processing other options.

Adoption for one. But that would require me to be like at least one other person, and while my Uncle was a little different, too, his straight blonde hair and green eyes were too much of a contrast to my black curls and blue eyes. Everyone in my “family” is blonde, even the dog is a golden retriever, and the light that reflects off their golden locks burns my eyes if I stare too long. As much as I love the idea of having been adopted into this shiny monstrosity of an environment, it doesn’t seem likely.

Then I thought maybe I was kidnapped, but they don’t want me enough to have stolen me. It’s hard to tell under the cheerful disposition, but once I learned to decipher the facade, I figured out their true feelings.

After that I decided that they weren’t my real parents, but that maybe they’d known them. And that opened up a whole ‘nother world of possibilities.

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