
The Dove of Steel

I still remember that day, that bloody final day of that war. All of the sudden, he was there again, back in that final battle. He could hear the sounds of the Southlander’s battle horns as they tried with all of their might to break their last line, charging in waves of fury and steel. He remembered standing there, among perfectly good men, who their whole life had practiced nothing but justice, and they died just as easily as the cowardly Southlanders. He remembered the warmth of their blood, hearing the unheard drums of war, and the feeling of impending doom upon him.

That’s what he thought at least. No one else could tell the story of this battle, they had all died, save for him, who had lived because of timing and luck. That luck he never wished he had. He remembered the Southlanders desecrating his comrades, men he had fought with, and ones he promised to die with, with their bare hands.

But that was the past, and I’ve got a job to do. Isaac sighed, then looked down at the expanse.

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