
One Fine Day In Hell 4

“Running is futile. There are seekers everywhere.” I said to my companion, “It seems the Devil takes great pleasure in my suffering,”
“What’s your trade?”
“You!” i said frankly.
His eyes were saucers. There was sheer terror on the man’s face, “No,” the scream was primal, “No, you… you stay away from me. I don’t even know you.. I’m not dying for you?”
“Dying? You’re already dead. This is hell,”
I reasoned, “It’s our way into the UnderCity.”
“What good is that to me?” he asked.
“A way to get redeemed. A way out!” he stared blankly at me, “Do you know what that means?” His head shook. He still did not believe. His mind was still caught in the Over-World. “You have a chance to be reborn! I can help you. But first, you must help me!”
“How?” he was caving.
“What’s your name?”
“Ben, my name is Laurence. If you allow me to trade you for a chance at redemption, I will tell you the story. You will at least have a chance to leave here!”
Ben thought a minute, then, “Will it hurt?”
“Of course!”

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