Just A Phone Call
It was just a phone call that made me feel this way….
“What do you want?”
“I said I’d call”
“Get a life,”.
“Gee, thanks,”.
“Do you wanna go biking?”
“My bike’s messed up, you know that,”.
“Do you wanna go to the baseball fields?”
“My brother doesn’t have a game, sorry,”.
“I know I’m just making a joke,”.
“I know,”.
“Remember, I said I’d call you?”
“I know,”.
“For no reason at all,”.
“Uh huh,”.
I hung up the phone and sat down. I had the urge to call you again. I hadn’t heard enough of you. I never had. I just picked up the phone and called you. Revenge? No, more than that. It was just a phone call.