Maybe the “heroine” in this story should just tell him already. If it’s meant to be, it will happen, and it won’t hurt things. If it’s not, then at least you’ll know and you’ll won’t always wonder… Just speaking hypothetically here, of course.
Maybe she should, hypothetically speaking here of course, but what if it just scared him and ruined the friendship? Would she really perfer that? (Oh You just inspired a ficlet!)
hm… so, since we’re speaking ‘hypothetically’… I can totally understand the heroin’s situation. It’s frustrating, because you don’t want to risk the friendship, but you hate the fact that he’s so damn blind. So you’re kind of stuck… In my case (with an extraordinarily similar scenario) I did end up telling the guy… (unintentionally) and sadly… he didn’t like me back that way. However, we are still friends. So there is hope, even if it isn’t exactly the happy ending we all wanted.
♠Ana Cristina♥