Dr. Timm's Challenge (Part 1)
Dr. Timm stood at the door as the last of the kids filed into his math class. As the bell rang, he shut the door and began writing on the board:
22-120-212 111-1-112-221 10-120-110-120-200-201 1-121-121-12-1-200 120-112 202-22-12 1-111-12-200-100-10-1-112 20-110-1-21?
When he finished writing, he turned to his students. “Okay, here is your challenge for the semester. I will pay one hundred dollars to the first student who can answer what I have on the board.â€?
The class was immediately abuzz, and Dr. Timm knew the challenge was still on their minds even after he had started his lesson. Ten minutes into class a hand went up.
“Yes, Ryan?â€?
“I have the answers to the challenge,â€? Ryan replied.
“By all means, enlighten us.â€?
Ryan read from his work, “Negative three-ten, negative two-twenty three, negative seven-forty-one…â€?
“No, no, and no,â€? Dr. Timm said. “Keep trying.â€?
“But that’s what I got too,â€? Rachel chimed in.
Dr. Timm laughed, “You didn’t think I’d make it that easy, did you?â€?