
Farewell Kevin (Join the Chain)

I’ve never met you, I’ve never had a direct conversation with you, and yet, I owe you so much.
I owe you the countless hours I’ve spent on this wonderful website.
I owe you every improvement in my writing.
I owe you every bit of feedback I’ve received.

We all do. Because without you, this wonderful website would never exist, and I would be sitting at my computer trying to come up with inspiration on my own.

Ficlets is an inspiration, to all of us. And inspiration is the greatest gift anyone can give to an aspiring writer, so to that, I thank you.

I hope that you are successful in your future career, and never forget how truly thankful all of us are here on ficlets.

So thank you Kevin! We’ll miss you. You are AWESOME . (which, as we all know, is a not a word to be taken lightly on ficlets)


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