
Frat Party of the gods!

Hercules entered the frat party, the deities still clutching him around the waist and giggling. Hercules went for drinks, leaving the goddesses unattended. When he came back, they were sitting in the lap of the thunder god Thor.

As the goddesses saw him they clutched Thor closer.

“Hey!” said Hercules. “Whatcha doin’ wit ma girls”

The goddesses replied in unison. “He’s sooooo cute! And he speaks ancient Norse and some runes.”

They paused before continuing. “And he said he would take us to see the Midgard Serpent!”

“Aaa,” said Hercules. ” The Midgard Serpent’s just a myth!”

“Aren’t we all?” they responded, giggling.

“You. Me. Outside. Now.” said Hercules. And the Thor did grin and whole party, which had fallen silent by that point, escorted them outside, yelling “Fight! Fight! Fight!” As they did.

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