
When There's A Will, There's A Way. (That Can be Good, Or Bad).

“I am not coming with you to London,” Kazuma stated.

There was silence…I could swear I heard a crackle of electricity, but as I turned my head to inspect it, my father answered, and my head pivoted back to its original position.

“The offer still stands,” he said, gray eyes foreboding. He took Sherri by the hand, and now we were standing face to face.

“If you ever want to get rid of…a burden,” father said, looking in my direction, “You know where to find me.”

Kazuma and I sighed in unison when they disappeared from eyesight. Just as unpleasant as ever.

“Well…that’s that,” Kazuma said, and he ran a hand through his brown hair, frowning.

To tell you the truth, something didn’t sit well with me. Why didn’t dad put up a fight?

It really was strange.

He gave up too easily.

I looked up into the great firmament above, and gave some silent pleas to Him upstairs.

This was going to be a wild week; I could feel in mah bones.

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