
and if she's everything you've ever wanted

where does that leave me.
I left my plain hell hole of a home this morning to find something so much worse waiting for me up the street.

sometimes I almost felt like he planned these things to hurt me.

Him and his new girlfriend just holding each other. In the middle of the street. Like he used to do with me.
I remember hearing him say “Shes the best thing thats ever happened to me. I just love falling asleep on the phone with her, because its like im never alone.”

He fell asleep on the phone with me every night. but he never deeply thanked me for always staying by his side, and making sure he was never alone.

no. All i got in return was a broken heart, and a hole in my shoes from when he made me climb that fence with him.

I had to use my hair to cover my fave when I walked by them.
No need to show weakness.

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