
Hearing Voices

“Timmy it’s time you met the others, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.” Dr Klimt led Timmy into a perspex walled room. There was a mattress in one corner and a toilet in another.

“Your new friends.” Dr. Klimt gestured at the transparent walls. Through them Timmy could see children in other rooms exactly like his, arranged in a circle around a larger central room. 13 rooms in all, but 6 were empty, the kids looked mostly around his age, and must have been between 8 and 10.

“Why am I here Mr Klimt? Can I go home?”

“Please call me Kurt, and the sooner you realise that you’ll never go home again the better. Now, get some rest, I have a busy, tiring and painful day planned for you tomorrow.”

Timmy was frightened, the doctor’s tone and look had changed, become crueler. Then he heard a girls voice inside his head, lie down Timmy, pretend to sleep, and listen to what I have to say, it will save our lives.

As Timmy lay on the mattress he saw a small blonde girl two rooms to his left looking at him intently.

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