
Dear Diary, I hate It Here

Dr. Stephens said that I should keep a diary. That it will help me “cope.â€? If I don’t write something, I don’t think they’ll ever let me out of here. And I really don’t like it here.

All of the staff are mean. Especially Voltron. His name’s not really Voltron, it’s Vinny. But we all call him that because he’s so ugly that he looks like the carcass of six other ugly people all smooshed into one. His face is littered with the railroad tracks of stitched scars from a previous life as an asshole.

The one bright spot of this place is Tina. She only comes in one day a month, but I always look forward to those days when she comes in to teach “jazzercize.â€? I imagine she smells like flowers, but Voltron never lets us get close enough to her to find out.

She didn’t show up yesterday, and it was her day. That made me sad. I didn’t mean to hurt Tommy, but he laughed at me when I asked where she was. He just wouldn’t stop laughing, until I grabbed his throat with both hands and squeezed.

I really don’t like it here.

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